I vant some blood.
If you are easily grossed out or haven't eaten lunch you may want to skip this next post. Don't say I didn't warn you.
The other day Eddie Lin of one of my favorite food blogs Deep End Dining posted a blog about different blood related foods he tried for us. One of his pictures sparked a memory with me.
Pork Red Cake. Happy Garden. San Gabriel, Ca
Blood is a popular item in cuisine from around the world. Brits have blood pudding. The French and German's have blood sausage. But its Asian countries (China, Vietnam, and Thailand that I know of) who have taken the cake (pun intended) when it comes to eating blood. When I lived in Thailand some of my favorite lunch dishes from the street stalls included nice big chunks of blood cake a.k.a the pork red cake as its listed above. If you look at the picture the brown tofu-ish item is what I'm talking about. There were many a noodle soup bowls consumed with those luscious cubes of blood.
Another favorite noodle soup dish was beef noodle soup with fresh blood squirted into it. When the blood hit the hot broth it curdled and added a wonderful indescribable taste to the broth. Mmmm... memories... makes my mouth water just thinking about it. For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to try this delicious treat, blood cakes are savory with a hint of sweetness. The texture is something between gelatin and tofu. It is commonly found in different types of soups, similar to the one pictured above. Oh and btw, those white things floating around in the picture. Those are intestines. Pig intestines, I believe. A favorite "variety meat" of mine.
Ok I think I need to go find dinner. I'm really starting to salivate as I write this. Alas, no blood or guts for me tonight. It's not an easy item to find in Iowa.
Sigh. I need to move to LA.
Happy Halloween! Muahahaha! ;)
The other day Eddie Lin of one of my favorite food blogs Deep End Dining posted a blog about different blood related foods he tried for us. One of his pictures sparked a memory with me.

Blood is a popular item in cuisine from around the world. Brits have blood pudding. The French and German's have blood sausage. But its Asian countries (China, Vietnam, and Thailand that I know of) who have taken the cake (pun intended) when it comes to eating blood. When I lived in Thailand some of my favorite lunch dishes from the street stalls included nice big chunks of blood cake a.k.a the pork red cake as its listed above. If you look at the picture the brown tofu-ish item is what I'm talking about. There were many a noodle soup bowls consumed with those luscious cubes of blood.
Another favorite noodle soup dish was beef noodle soup with fresh blood squirted into it. When the blood hit the hot broth it curdled and added a wonderful indescribable taste to the broth. Mmmm... memories... makes my mouth water just thinking about it. For those of you who haven't had the opportunity to try this delicious treat, blood cakes are savory with a hint of sweetness. The texture is something between gelatin and tofu. It is commonly found in different types of soups, similar to the one pictured above. Oh and btw, those white things floating around in the picture. Those are intestines. Pig intestines, I believe. A favorite "variety meat" of mine.
Ok I think I need to go find dinner. I'm really starting to salivate as I write this. Alas, no blood or guts for me tonight. It's not an easy item to find in Iowa.
Sigh. I need to move to LA.
Happy Halloween! Muahahaha! ;)