Thursday, February 16, 2006

Tea Time Thursdays VI - Pound cake

Welcome to the sixth edition of Tea Time Thursdays. Please let me know if you have a blog an would like to join me in any tea related post. I may be contacted via email or you can just leave me a message on the blog. If you want to join me, I’ll be happy to feature your blog and write a short note regarding your post of the day.

Last Sunday I decided I would try a recipe found on for a pound cake. I’ve grown up all my life eating Sara Lee’s frozen pound cake but, never thought of making my own. Well, since this year I decided I wanted to learn more about baking, I figured, "Hey, Why not?"

Pound Cake

This pound cake is rich, moist, and dense. It’s a little sweeter than what I’m used to but, it made a great treat for afternoon tea. I sliced up some strawberries, whipped up some cream, and made a wonderful strawberry shortcake. Today's tea was the Dalai’s Daily from Gong Fu Tea store. I’ll post about that next week.

Strawberry Shortcake using Pound Cake

For Becca’s delicious pound cake recipe click here.



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