Choux à la Crème Pâtissière part Deux
“Mon Dieu! Sacred Bleu! What have you done? No, no, non. Le amatuer!” says the pastry chef as he watches me make cream puffs for the first time. In my previous post for Tea Time Thursdays I decided to make cream puffs or Choux à la Crème Pâtissière as Chez Ptipois was so kind enough to translate for me so I can seem sophisticated on my blog. *Ahem* Hush! The first thing I made was the pastry cream. I learned a few valuable lessons as I made it and would like to share them with you.
Le Lesson number 1. Do not leave ingredients on stove unattended while reading eGullet. May cause over-boiling of milk and possible burning of pastry cream.

Le Lesson number 2. While making pastry cream it is a good idea to have an ice bath nearby in case of making a mistake by not following lesson number one.

Le Lesson number 3. It really is not that hard. But for a few minor mishaps, that I was able to save, I don’t think I did too bad for my first attempt.
So the pastry cream was done a few mishaps and into the fridge it went to cool as I made me pate choux. Lesson learned on pate choux?

Le Lesson number 4. Strength train prior to making dough as wimpy arms are not a good thing. Man, pastry chefs must be buff!

Le Lesson number 5. Do not try pate choux when straight from oven as it is impossible to consume only one. Where you will have to make more. Hrm.. I don’t know about this one. MORE cream puffs aren’t a bad thing.

Le Lesson number 6: Not only were these easy to make, they were tasty too! And the best part? I have LOTS of them.

Enjoyed with a nice cuppa of Earl Grey these really hit the spot in the late afternoon.
Le Lesson number 1. Do not leave ingredients on stove unattended while reading eGullet. May cause over-boiling of milk and possible burning of pastry cream.

Le Lesson number 2. While making pastry cream it is a good idea to have an ice bath nearby in case of making a mistake by not following lesson number one.

Le Lesson number 3. It really is not that hard. But for a few minor mishaps, that I was able to save, I don’t think I did too bad for my first attempt.
So the pastry cream was done a few mishaps and into the fridge it went to cool as I made me pate choux. Lesson learned on pate choux?

Le Lesson number 4. Strength train prior to making dough as wimpy arms are not a good thing. Man, pastry chefs must be buff!

Le Lesson number 5. Do not try pate choux when straight from oven as it is impossible to consume only one. Where you will have to make more. Hrm.. I don’t know about this one. MORE cream puffs aren’t a bad thing.

Le Lesson number 6: Not only were these easy to make, they were tasty too! And the best part? I have LOTS of them.

Enjoyed with a nice cuppa of Earl Grey these really hit the spot in the late afternoon.
Yum, looks good! Brulee supplies coming your way Thurs!
You could be a pastry chef in training :)
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