Friday, September 23, 2005

Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Last Sunday I went to the Kansas City Renaissance Faire. I used to go every year but hadn’t made it down there in the last few years. This year a co-worker who works there gave me free ticket so I decided I had to no excuse not to go this year. Since I love reading fantasy, love history, and love to find unique little trinkets renaissance faires are right up my alley. So far I’ve only managed to go to the one in Des Moines, Minnesota, and Kansas City.

The Kansas City Faire is my favorite. It’s a big faire but you can pretty much get through the whole thing in one day. The last time I went to the Minnesota one I only managed to do 1/3 of what I wanted. Kansas City is also closer and cheaper if I remember right. It’s usually opens for Labor Day weekend and runs until mid-October. There’s plenty of things to do and load of fun to be had by all. Check it out sometime.

Kansas City Renaissance Faire

Here's a picture of my henna tattoo that I got down there amongst other things.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Caution! Life can wear you out.

Wow! It’s been way too long since I’ve posted.

Does it ever seem to you like things just seem to happen all at once? My life has a tendency to be that way at least. I’ll go through a period of doing pretty much the same old same old, then wham one thing after another happens and life gets incredibly busy. That’s what has happened to my life recently.

Here's the quickie version of what has been putting me through the spin cycle and has left me feeling like a wrung out piece of laundry. Hooked up with boy, found out a friend was moving in a week, found out guy was a Asshole (capitalization intentional), spent a lot of time with friend, repaired a friendship, helped friend move, spent some one on one time with another friend I rarely get to see alone, realized dating a co-worker makes life awkward (someone please slap me if I EVER hook up with a co-worker again), fixed work situation, found out a different friend was pissed of at me for some unknown reason, decided to be mad at said friend back (never said I was mature :P), went to a Green Day concert (was on the floor about 10 people away from the stage *jumps up and down squealing like a teenager* had an awesome time!!!!), and finally I went to a Renaissance Faire where I got a great henna tattoo which I’m in love with. This was all in the space of two weeks!

Damn I’m tired. But at least I’ve learned a lesson, realized I have good friends, and had some wonderful, unforgettable, great times. These are the things that make my life so fun. At the very least, I’ve some great blog material if only I can get the memories typed up.

First item on the list, however, is SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Blog Addiction

I'm posting this in reply to a recent topic on a board I read called exmo-social. The topic was what blogs do you read. I knew I read a lot but I have never bothered to list them all out. Good thing I have to keep track of all of them or I'd never leave the house. I'm really beginning to wonder if I'm a bit odd for having so many additions. Oh well, you all love my quirks anyway.

Food Blogs - Guam, US - Hawaii, US - Los Angeles, US - New York, US - New York, US - San Francisco, US - San Francisco, US - San Francisco, US - Pacific Northwest, US - Pacific Northwest, US
- Europe - Paris, France - Paris, France - Paris, France - Singapore - Singapore - Singapore/Brunei/Malaysia - Vietnam - Vietnam - Unknown - Unknown - Unknown - Unknown - Unknown - Unknown - Unknown - Unknown - Unknown - Unknown

Thai Blogs

Japan Blogs - Hilarious blog, also does reviews of Japanese conbini food

Misc - Misc -also known as SoSCrack MUST READ! Awesome sci-fi story by the author of the Darth Vader blog - Fantasy book reviewer
Woodley’s Blog
Emily's Blog- Knitting blog
Beth’s Blog - Knitting blog

Yikes! Help! I need blogger's anonymous!

Sweet corn and watermelon. Gotta love it!

The good thing about living in the heartland of the country is the wonderful produce that is available. Especially around this time of year. There are some things in Iowa I will definitely miss when I move. Good pork and beef, the only dairy I LIKE the milk from, and the produce to name some. Since I’ve been living on fruits and veggies lately that’s what I’ll talk about today. (I think I’ll save my addiction to the AE dairy for another day.)

Iowa is well known for its sweet corn. There is nothing like Iowa sweet corn. I've always liked corn, but now I REALLY like corn. Especially sweet corn from Grimes in August. Less than 5 minutes in a pot of boiling pot of water, a little (or a lot :P) of butter, and maybe a pinch of salt or chili powder and you have yourself meal. How can one ear of corn be a meal you ask? Trust me, you’ll want more than one and next thing you know any food you’ve made (like the main dish) will just sitting on your plate as you devour ears upon ears of sweet kernels. Umm, yeah, not that ever happened to me. *cough, cough* Excuse me, I think I need some dental floss.

So what was for dessert? Watermelon! Another summer time must have. The watermelon I’ve been eating is to die for. Sweet, juicy, and seedless. I could eat this watermelon for days. Er, I guess I already have been. Hey! At least its not fattening right?

Little fruit and veggie stalls that pop up on street corners ever summer are the greatest. It may be a bit more expensive to buy from them, but it is well worth it. I’d much rather have the watermelon from there then from what’s found in the air-conditioned, trucked in from god knows where, supermarket stuff. Most of these stall sell just a few items; all seem to at least have sweet corn and tomatoes. The ones I frequent on the corner of 63rd and Grand has peaches, watermelon, corn, tomatoes, and canteloupe.

Oh and the best part about the fruit and veggie stall on 63rd and Grand? The seller is HOT! *drool*