Chicken, beef, or human? HUH?
Ok I knew Thailand has some foods that may seem a bit strange or unappetizing but THIS? I never thought I'd say this about a food offered in Thailand but, uhh, count me out on this one.

(AP Photo/Apichart Weerawong)
Alright, before you go running off screaming to canceling those plane ticket and hotel reservations, the picture is NOT really human parts for sale. It's just bread. Kind of unappetizing bread, in my opinion, but bread nonetheless.
Kittiwat Unarom, a 28 year old Thai art student, makes these out of bread at his studio in Protharam, Thailand. His reasoning behind the creation of such ghoulish looking bread is to make people "ponder whether they are consuming food, or food is consuming them". Interesting. It certainly made me ponder. Ponder how far it was to the porcelain god, that is. But, that aside, it did also make me ponder about what we eat and the old adage of "we are what we eat". Hrm, does that make me a JapChinKorVietAmer-Thai? Woah, that's just too wierd.
Read the rest of article by Watcharaporn Taithongchai,Associated Press Writer, here.
Wonder if I can order some of these for next Halloween. That would be cool!

Alright, before you go running off screaming to canceling those plane ticket and hotel reservations, the picture is NOT really human parts for sale. It's just bread. Kind of unappetizing bread, in my opinion, but bread nonetheless.
Kittiwat Unarom, a 28 year old Thai art student, makes these out of bread at his studio in Protharam, Thailand. His reasoning behind the creation of such ghoulish looking bread is to make people "ponder whether they are consuming food, or food is consuming them". Interesting. It certainly made me ponder. Ponder how far it was to the porcelain god, that is. But, that aside, it did also make me ponder about what we eat and the old adage of "we are what we eat". Hrm, does that make me a JapChinKorVietAmer-Thai? Woah, that's just too wierd.
Read the rest of article by Watcharaporn Taithongchai,Associated Press Writer, here.
Wonder if I can order some of these for next Halloween. That would be cool!
Oh those crazy art students! Wierd. It would be a good Halloween side though I think.
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