Khao Mun Gai Turkey
Well, another Thanksgiving has come and gone, the traditional Thanksgiving feast is now a fond memory, and your tastebuds are now looking for something different. You look in your fridge and what do you see? Turkey, turkey, and MORE turkey. If the thought of yet another turkey sandwich isn't a pleasant one, you may want to try Khao Mun Turkey.

This is my way of using up leftover turkey. Khao Mun Turkey is actually supposed to be made with chicken, since turkey isn't a commonly eaten meat in Asia. Khao Mun Gai (literally rice in chicken drippings) used to be one of my favorite lunches when I lived in Thailand. All I had to do was walk out our front gates, cross a street, go up to the street stall, and order. Alas, I no longer have that luxury in Iowa. So I had to learn to make it. It's a time consuming dish with many different ingredients, so I have rarely made it. Not to mention, it's pretty fattening and greasy for an Asian dish.
With some leftover turkey and turkey stock I decided to make a mock Khao Mun Gai. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it turned out. I ended up having it for 3 meals and now I wish I had some more turkey. It was very tasty!

This is my way of using up leftover turkey. Khao Mun Turkey is actually supposed to be made with chicken, since turkey isn't a commonly eaten meat in Asia. Khao Mun Gai (literally rice in chicken drippings) used to be one of my favorite lunches when I lived in Thailand. All I had to do was walk out our front gates, cross a street, go up to the street stall, and order. Alas, I no longer have that luxury in Iowa. So I had to learn to make it. It's a time consuming dish with many different ingredients, so I have rarely made it. Not to mention, it's pretty fattening and greasy for an Asian dish.
With some leftover turkey and turkey stock I decided to make a mock Khao Mun Gai. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it turned out. I ended up having it for 3 meals and now I wish I had some more turkey. It was very tasty!
Oooh, I would like to taste that! My favorite thing to do with turkey leftovers is the turkey sandwich with stuffing and cranberry in it. My mom always made turkey chow mein with turkey leftovers.
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